East Central Florida is highly regarded as some of the best waters in the world for Redfish, Seatrout, Black Drum, and Juvenile tarpon. The winter and spring months generally yield cool clean waters and target rich flats. The summer and fall months are typically absorbed by one of the best juvenile tarpon fisheries in the continental united states. With an average depth of four feet, the Indian and Banana River Lagoons have an overwhelming number of shallow flats and mangrove islands that support a phenomenal year-round fishery.
Redfish can be targeted year-round and in all sorts of situations from dark mangrove backcountry flats to expansive sand flats in the main lagoon.
Tarpon are warm water fish and are best targeted in the summer months. Juvenile fish show up in targetable numbers in early May and can be targeted through November depending on water temperatures. The later summer months can offer opportunities for adult Tarpon, but anglers must be comfortable with much smaller windows for success.
Snook can also be targeted year-round but peak time is usually pre-spawn as the water is warming up in the spring, typically March- May.
The best three months for big gator trout are without a doubt the coldest of the year. Jan- March. The cooler temperatures are synonymous with low and clear water. These conditions bring the larger trout into shallow water in search or crustaceans, worms, and small bait fish.
Black Drum start showing up in large numbers in October, they stick around through march and can be found in large schools, often tailing and milling around in shallow water looking for worms, snails, and crabs.
Largemouth Bass are a Florida staple and can be found and targeted in all weather conditions and are an excellent "backup" species on foul weather days.
American Shad are best described as a strange merge between a salmon and a tarpon. They travel annually up the St. Johns and other tributaries to spawn and are targetable in the winter months.